Grading Policy

Grading Philosophy

City Neighbors High School is a progressive and innovative model that challenges students to  the highest level of academic excellence and the highest level of personal and communal good to  create our school. We see our students as creative, powerful, and deserving of the deepest  respect. We believe in each other at City Neighbors. Together we are creating a school where  people are Known, Loved, and Inspired. CNHS curriculum involves project based learning and  arts integration through an inquiry approach. We stand committed to maintaining rigorous  performance and achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair process for  evaluating and reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents/ guardians and relevant for instructional purposes.

Tracking Student Progress 

Within the first week of school you will receive a document from your teacher highlighting their  individual grading practices and syllabus within the context of our school. 

All teachers, except for resource classes or when assignments take more than a week to  complete, will enter two classwork/participation grades per week into our on-line platform,  Jupiter.ed. Graded assignments will include assessment grades and participation grades. 

We encourage ALL Parents to login in weekly to track your child’s progress using the platform.  We encourage students to login daily to submit work and check their academic progress.

Grade Components 

Students’ grades are broken down into the following components. 

Within our school, you will see the following categories of grades: 

  • Assessments (50% formative and 20% summative) totaling 70%: This category includes  two types of assessments, formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments  are built into the curriculum, more frequent, and are used to monitor a student’s mastery  based on the scope and sequence of content specific projects, arts integration activities  and other aligned assessments. Summative assessments assess mastery of the complete  set of grade-level standards.

  • Classwork (15%): This work includes written or oral work done in a classroom, this can  include activities that are both independent and in groups. Classwork assignments are  determined to be practice for students and allow them to work through concepts to  prepare for the culminating projects, which are the assessments. 

  • Participation (15%): This work includes the active engagement of students expressing  their ideas in a way that others can comprehend their understanding of a topic. Your  school may include out-of-class assignments within this category.

Late Work Policy

Grade Level Teachers will distribute their late work policy for assignments not completed on time within the first week of school.


Grades are calculated in the following manner:

  • Year Long Course: Quarter 1 Grade=40%, Quarter 2 Grade=40%, POL/Conference Grade=20%, Each Term=50% of Final Grade

  • Semester Course: Quarter 1 Grade=40%, Quarter 2 Grade=40%, POL/Conference Grade=20%

  • Courses Without Exams: The Grade of Each Term is Weighted Evenly

Grading Scales

Grades 9-12:

  • A+: 97-100

  • A: 90-96

  • B+: 87-89

  • B: 80-86

  • C+: 77-79

  • C: 70-76

  • D+: 67-69

  • D: 60-66

  • F: 59 and below

  • INC = Incomplete. The “INC” grade may be used temporarily for secondary students who have been  lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work prior to the end of  a marking period.  

  • W = Withdrawn. A “W” will be issued when a student is withdrawn from a  course (Semester or Full Year) prior to completion of the course.  

  • L = Late Enrollment. A “L” will be issued when students enroll in a course near the end of a  marking period, without available equivalent grades from a prior school to inform the calculation  of the marking period grade. 

  • PASS= Pass. A “PASS” will be issued when:  

    i. Credit awarded through credit by exam 

    ii. credit awarded for coursework from non-accredited schools. 

    iii. credit awarded for home school instruction prior to enrollment in City Schools; or may also  be used for English Language learners (ELs) in the beginning stages of English language  acquisition (WIDA levels 1-1.7, verified in the online student information system) when English proficiency limits accuracy of earned letter grade.

Calculation of GPA (High School Only) 

Final grades are used to calculate students’ GPA. The table below represents the GPA equivalent  of all letter grades on the standard course scale. This GPA is to be used for calculating class rank  and will appear on students’ transcripts. Grades are rounded to the nearest percentage point.

grading policy