City Neighbors High School is managed by City Neighbors Foundation, Inc., a certified 501(c) non profit organization. All business affairs of the high school are managed under the board of directors.
The Board of Directors is made up of parents, students, teachers, administrators. All families at CNHS are members of the corporation. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 5pm. All our welcome. Everyone has a say at CNHS please use your power and get involved!
Governance Model
City Neighbors High School Board
School Principal
CNHS Staff
CNHS Student - 11th and 12th Grade representatives
3-4 CNHS Parents
3 Community Members
The mission of City Neighbors High School is to nurture and develop young men and women who not only have excellent skills and content knowledge, but have the ability to powerfully pursue their interests, ask questions and find answers, take ultimate responsibility for themselves and their community, and who know why and how to impact the larger world around them. Through a focus on social constructivism and project-based learning as well as an emphasis on community, creativity, and challenge - all in a small-school educational setting developed and run through partnerships between parents, students, and educators - students will develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and confidence to allow them to thrive in our interconnected, innovative, and inspired world.
Board Members
Jessica McGuire | Board President
Delegate Caylin Young | Community Representative
Cheyanne Zhart | Principal
Daschall Grade | Staff Representative
Sydney Kamits | Student Representative
Student Representative | Lunden Carter
Kristen English | Staff Representative
Syndinkqua Brown | Parent Representative
Craig Stephenson | Parent Representative
Corey Paige | Community Representative